So, growing ever more adaptable in my new life of scaled-down living, I switched my search from the RV'S to apts/housing for rent. I kept my search to New Westminster and South Burnaby, as both locations would be very close to work. I found a few that seem to suit and I have one, hopefully two, lined up to see tomorrow. I spoke at length with the owner of the one I am booked in to view and it sounds like it will be mine if I want it. It's two large rooms on the top floor of a small-ish heritage home in New Westminster. It has wood floors, sloped ceilings, and a fairly large bathroom. I would share the kitchen (although have a bar fridge and cupboards for my food upstairs) with the family; a couple with a four year old daughter. The dad is away lots on business. I would have preferred something with a small kitchen of my own, but this has a lot that I couldn't either find or be sure of in any of the other ad's, namely; right price, quiet assured, top floor, wood floors, parking, and enough space for a separate bedroom and sitting room.
Photos of the suite from the ad.
I like what I see in the pictures, but I'd like an appointment with the second place I found to at least compare what is available for the same price in the same area. Here's hoping they call me back today.