I wanted to shake up my life and go sailing (or learn on the job, so-to-speak) so headed to Florida to crew on a catamaran. This is about how it went or, rather, didn't - and my life since. Hopefully it will lead to a catamaran on the clear aqua blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, watching the sunset, a coconut rum and coke in hand. You must START AT THE BEGINNING of the blog, April 2009, to get the whole story...

Monday, April 23, 2012


I came across this video a couple of weeks ago and it absolutely took my breath away. It captures the vibe of the BVI, on video, in a way I haven't seen to this point. It actually caused me to tear up. Well done Benjamin Williams!!! He works for GoPro Camera and I'd say they are lucky to have him as his photography and editing skills are top notch!

Enjoy!! (Turn up your sound...way up!)

The British Virgin Islands-An Epic Adventure from BRW Media on Vimeo.

You can find his media FaceBook page HERE.
All photographs are mine and not to be copied without express permission from me (click on them to see the large version).
Some names have been changed to protect my butt.

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Here's my Amazon Store called Sandra's Selections, full of my favourite things and constantly updating it as I discover more fav's. It's more for fun than anything as I've never made a cent off of it.