I've been gazing at Caribbean web cams for half the morning.

I am feeling like I am going to go crazy if I don't get back to the Caribbean soon. Or at least have a long trip booked for the winter. I was talking on the phone last night to a fellow who spends a fair bit of time in the BVI and it got me seriously desperate to get back there. Not that I haven't been desperate to get back since I got back from Tortola over a YEAR AGO. But there are times when I get all knotted up inside and feel very panicked that I am not going to get back before I go out of my mind with longing for it. It doesn't help that, as I read today, for the past few months the sun has come out from behind the clouds ONCE every FOUR days here. I need more sunshine in my life that that. Way more.
Oh how I WISH there was some way I could either work in the Caribbean or freelance at something so that I could live there. I'd move tomorrow. I would.